
Saturday, August 28, 2010

I am particpating in "The Sketchbook Project"

The Sketchbook Project: 2011

I found out about this a month or two ago and I have been sitting on the fence trying to decide on a theme to choose and today I picked one and signed up for "The Sketchbook Project" which will tour the U.S. in 2011.

The theme list has changed a couple times as some spaces were filled, but new ones have been added and today a new one SCREAMED "PICK ME!!!"

Adhere to me {ooh this is a good one}

I have until Christmas to fill my journal with all of my nocturnal visions. I can't wait to get my Journal and see where it takes my creative muse...Sb

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Desktop Mess

All of the wee hours web crawling has resulted in this disaster on my laptop's desktop. A cluttered mess of downloads, screen captures, bookmarks and photos....oh my! One day I'm going to have to organize today : ) Sb