
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial Day "Cards for Heroes" Bloghop

A bloghop is a blast of creativity and sharing! Bloggers from all over the US and abroad will be posting a card and sharing why THEY participate in honoring our nation's heroes. And everyone else gets inspired! If you've landed here in the middle of the hop please click here to begin at the "Top of the Hop".


Cards for Heroes is a wonderful organization that supports armed forces serving overseas by sending them blank greeting cards for them to send home to family, as well as cards of gratitude to encourage them. This is my first event I am participating in, and I am inspired by all of the fabulous cards posted along the hop. There are lots of beautiful cards and projects, too.

On this Memorial Day Weekend - My thoughts and Prayers go out to all Service Men and Women this weekend. This weekend I will be thinking fondly of my youngest sister, who is currently active in the Army National Guard - and she is training as a Medic for her deployment in September to Afghanistan. Her dream is to one day become a Doctor, and she is thrilled to be able to help others in serving our Country. Here is a photo of my 'little' sister and me from the day of her boot camp graduation at Fort Jackson, S.C.

I am so proud of my little sister Andrea Dawn Cassidy, of her courage and her new found dream that she is chasing...Hooah!

Please visit the NEXT blog in the bloghop
Salon D' exhibition of handcrafted items. This blogspot is to accompany the SalonDArte Etsy Shop featuring Fine Art : Paper Arts : Cards & Such created by Mixed Media Artist Susan M. Brown. Please take a moment to visit.


  1. I will say a prayer for your sister, and for all the men and women serving our country.

  2. Great card and thanks for all you do! I bet you are so proud of your sister--I am glad for all she is doing to serve the country.

  3. What a wonderful card!!! LOVE it! Special thanks to your sister for all she does in the name of freedom.

  4. Cute card.. and a huge thank you to your sister for serving our country.
    Hope you have a safe and happy Memorial Day ♥

  5. What a great card!!! Special thanks to your sister for all she does for us.

  6. Your sister sounds like an amazing woman! Thanks for all that you both do! And great card too! :)

  7. Wonderful card...please thank your sister for her service to our great country! {{cheers}}

  8. Happy memorial day to you and your sister, what a way to honor her, by posting today!

  9. Cute card! Nice pics of your sis.

    Carolyn Miller

  10. Such a fun card!! I love your colors and special thank you to your sister!! :)

  11. Fun! ANd great card and pics, too!

    So happy to be doing the blog hop for such a good cause with such a great, generous group of talented peeps! *smile*

  12. wonderful pics and card! thanks for sharing!

  13. This is such an exciting event!

  14. Praying for your sister's safety. Please thank her for her service. Your post is a sweet tribute to her & your card is fantastic

  15. Thank you to your sister for all she does and your card is so pretty I love the stamp!

  16. Give your sister a big "thank you for serving" hug! Awesome!

  17. I absolutely LOVE your card (the image is fantastic!) and am thankful for so many people like you who are using creativity for a larger purpose. Bless you and your family during the challenging days ahead.

  18. Thank you to your sister for her service to our country! The military provides their members with so many opportunities--I am confident that they will help her reach her goal of becoming a doctor!

    LOVE the stamp you used on your card.

  19. Very cute card. God bless your sister! Happy Memorial Day!

  20. Thank you to your sister and your family for your sacrifices! As the spouse of a deployed solider I can relate to the sense of pride (and fear) that goes along with the service! Your card is beautiful and someone will be lucky to receive it!

  21. love your cards
    Thanks for helping in this event. I am a proud Army MOM

  22. Thanks for a great card and your support of Cards for Heroes. Prayers and Blessing to your sister and all of our brave men and women in uniform.

  23. Your card is total perfection! Many thanks to your beautiful sister for serving our beloved country! Thanks for participating in the blog hop!

  24. Your card is a delight!
    I admire your sisters courage and I hope that she fulfils her dreams.

    Thanks for sharing your heart and art on the CFH blog hop!

  25. Blessings to you and to your sister...thanks for supporting our heroes!
    Marine Mom

  26. Cute card! Thank you to your sister for her commitment - I will remember both her and your family in my prayers tonight.

  27. Wonderful card and my God Bless your sister and keep her safe. It's truly a blessing to have people like her serving our country. Have a beautiful weekend, she will be in our families thoughts and prayers :)


  28. Wonderful card! Thanks for being part of such a great cause. :)

  29. I'm sure you are proud of your sister, what she's doing is admirable! GREAT card!!!

  30. I will be thinking of your sister! And I love your card, what a cute stamp. Thanks for sharing.

  31. Cute card! Thanks so much for sharing your card, but especially the story and photos of you and your sister! (and I did scroll down, and love your twinchie!) It was a pleasure to hop on in!


  32. Great post and pretty card!!

  33. Love your card and thanks for supporting our troops!

  34. Give your little sister lots of hugs from us. Just love your spindle-legged firecracker kid!! Darling card!

  35. So proud of your sister! She is following her dream and helping other people as well. YOu made an awesome card.

  36. Fun card and blessings for your sister.

  37. As a military wife, please let me say thank you for what you are doing.

    And many prayers for your sister, as well as everyone else that is, or ever will be serving our country.

  38. Great card, and hugs to you + your sis!

  39. Great card. Tell your sister Godspeed and thanks for serving.

  40. thanks for sharing your story and your card! It really makes it even more special to begin to see the names and faces of those who do so much for us.

  41. Beautiful card...and special thoughts for your sister and all she does. I'd be proud too :)

  42. Way cute card! Thanks to your sister for her service.

    In addition to sending some cards, I'm trying to do my little bit for CFH. I have added a link to this blog hop and embedded the CHF youtube video on my blog. I hope it brings many more people to participate in this wonderful group.

    Thanks for all you do!

  43. Super cute card!

    Extra special blessings to your sister as she serves our country and all she is doing for our Freedom.

    Wishing you a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

  44. Thank you for sharing your story! Please send my thanks to your sister! Your card is wonderful!

  45. great card! I love those stamps!

  46. Love the "Uncle Sam" on your card. Thanks for sharing. My thoughts go out to your sister.

  47. Cute card and thank you to your sister for all the ways she serves. Thank you for participating!

  48. I can see how proud you are of your Little Sister and how proud she is to serve her country. Here's wishing her success in her dream to become a doctor and praying for her safety until she returns home.

  49. Gread card! Blessings to your sister for all that she is doing!

  50. wonderful card... kudos to Andrea Dawn!!! hugs

  51. Thanks for participating in the hop! And thanks to your little sister for her sacrifice to help keep us all safe.

  52. Your sister is in my thoughts and prayers.. My son left for Boot Camp on Tuesday and I am proud of his service to our Country. Love your cards. Thanks for all you do

  53. Very nice card. Good luck to your sister, many a MD started as a medic.

  54. Great card! Thanks for supporting such a fabulous cause.

  55. Thank you to your sister for her service and to you for sharing your creativity in this way.

  56. Well done on your card!
    Long live our Heroes!

  57. Thanks for the chance to win and for such a good cause, too.

  58. Happy Memorial Day! Thank you for sharing your sis!!!

    Cute card!!

  59. Great card. Thanks for sharing about your little sister - it is wonderful to hear about others that are serving. I pray her dream becomes a reality and that God keeps her safe in her deployment.

  60. thank you for all that you do and special thanks to your sister! xoxo

  61. Great card and thank you for sharing about your sister. You must be so proud! Happy Memorial Day weekend!

  62. Love your card! Please keep on supporting CFH - they are such an amazing group. My husband is a Naval Gulf War vet. I am inspired by how all the bloggers support each other too! Have an amazing weekend.

  63. What a wonderful card and sister! Thank you both.

  64. Best wishes to your sister.

    Isn't this bloghop an amazing event?? I had never heard of CFH before and I'm looking forward to celebrating Memorial Day with my kids as we make cards to send in to CFH. :)

  65. I love your card! That image is so cute! Special thanks to your sister!!

  66. what a cute card- and pleae thank your sister for her service -she is very brave and i know she will do great work! Godspeed to her!

  67. love the card.

    I know whomever receives it will love it. And I know they definitely deserve something so beautiful.

    And I will definitely say a prayer for your sister.


  68. Thanks for sharing your story with us!!! Will keep your sister in our prayers.
    great card!

  69. Cute card. thanks for sharing. Also, tell you sister thanks for her commitment to our country. We all appreciate her.

    ceashark at aol dot com

  70. I enjoyed reading about your sister. Keeping her in my prayers!

  71. Thank you for sharing your story with us, as well as your art work.

  72. I pray that everyone will be safe. I love your card.

  73. Hurray from Michigan to your sis and all the brave service people. Love your card!

  74. darling card and awesome tribute to your sister! Thank you for supporting our troops and CFH! Have a wonderful Memorial Weekend!

  75. I'm proud of your sister, too. Thank you so much for sharing her story with us...

  76. {{{{{HUGS}}}} to you and your sister as she follows her dream.

  77. From another proud big sister, thank you to you & your family. Wonderful cards too!

  78. What a beautiful and wonderful sister you have. Thank you for sharing your story and cards!

  79. All my prayers for your sister and for all people serving our nation... Thanks for being part of cards for heros...

  80. Great card! Prayers go out to your sister and all others who are serving our country.

  81. Just wanted to say "great card" and "Thank you" to your sister.

  82. Beautiful card! Blessings always for you and your sister.

  83. Love the car in card, and I will keep your sister
    lifted in prayers.

    I know you are really proud of her.

  84. Such a fun, vivid card! Those are precious photos of your sister.

    I started wandering around your blog. There's so much wonderful art to see. Thank you.

  85. What a cheerful card!! Looks like a 4th of July party comin' on!! :)

    Thanks so much for sharing about your sis---we're proud of her too!! You know who to call whenever she's deployed...we'll get cards out there to her :)

    Thanks for joining our hop!!

  86. Love your card!!! Thanks for sharing the pictures of your sister.... thank her for us.

  87. That's a great picture of you and your sister - you must be so proud! Great card too - I LOVE the image. This bloghop has not been good for my stamping budget at all!

  88. What a great card! Your sis and family are in my prayers! What a huge sacrifice!

  89. Thanks for sharing the pics of your sis. I am so grateful for her service. She is a real hero. Adorable card, too. Love that image. Thanks for sharing. Happy Memorial Day.

  90. What a brave girl your sister is. I hope she knows she is appreciated. Your card is just darling! Thanks for visiting my blog during the CFH hop :)


  91. I love your card! That stamp is too cute. Bless your sister for serving our country!

  92. Beautiful card, thank you. I also loved the "under the sea" card from the previous post. Truly a work of art!

  93. Great looking card, and best wishes to your sister as she goes off to serve, sounds like she has a clear calling. Happy Memorial Day to you :)

  94. CUTE CUTE card! & thanks to your sister!!!

  95. Very pretty! I love it all! Thanks for supporting our men & women in service. Happy Memorial Day!

  96. Very pretty! I love it all! Thanks for supporting our men & women in service. Happy Memorial Day!

  97. Love your card! And I am GRATEFUL to your sister for her sacrifice and honor to our country! God Bless and KEEP her safe!

  98. what a great card! I am so grateful for all your sister is doing four our country! God Bless her and your family!

  99. great pictures tell you sister thank you for her service

  100. Cute card! God bless your sister, and all our other service men and women!

  101. THANKS to your sister for her heart, dedication and service. A wonderful card for the cause, and a wonderful post. TFS. Glad to be a fellow blogger and hopper. :)

  102. Bless your lil sissy for all that she is doing!
    Your card is adorable! Love what you created!
    TFS :*) Happy Memorial Day!

  103. your card is awesome! thanks for participating! and extra blessings to your sister for her hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. :) happy memorial day!

  104. awesome card.

    big thank to your sister & your family for their service.

  105. Way cool card! A big thank you to your sister for her dedication to serve.

  106. love love love your contribution to this wonderful organization. I will be joining in myself
    Thanks for sharing

  107. Cute card! Thank you for supporting this great organization! Thank you to your sister! My husband is also in the National Guard - Military Police.

    P.S. Hope you don't mind if I leave an additional comment.

    Visit The Original Scrapbox and check out their product catalog and also please take a minute and cast your vote for me, my entry #257! I am in the running to win a scrapbook desk!

  108. What a lovely story about your sister - be sure you visit the website to request cards for her unit while she is deployed! And you can tell her that you were part of our blog hop - thank you SO MUCH for participating.

  109. Your card is terrific. Great pictures of your sis. Tell her we are all grateful for her service.
    Terry F.


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