
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

#1 - Make a Sudden, Unpedictable

movement with the journal...OK. GO! I tried to crumple the book up and I pulled a muscle in my neck doing so...OK a little too enthusiastic - but it's done now...

No longer pretty - my book lays down now looking like a bird with a broken wing...

To follow what others on this "Wreck this Journal" Journey are up to during week #1 Click HERE.


  1. By describing it as a bird with a broken wing I get the feeling you may be in a similar place to me. My journal is very destroyed right now but what I realised was we have the power to remake it. Nothing you do to your journal can not be undone in some way or used to take it in a new creative direction...

    Your journal is now no longer boring or flat, it is a fine sculptural piece!

  2. LOL! Try not to wreck yourself! :) Your journal looks wonderfully mangled! :)


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments...