
Friday, July 10, 2009

Wreck this Journal - WIPEOUT!!!

My Wreck This Journal journey had taken me on a raod trip last Friday to see my sisters...and now that I am now an amateur movie maker...we had a little fun, my sister and my two neices [fellow Wrecksters]. This was fun to make, but time consuming compositing about 500 photos this time from my Canon DS-20 to this the final product.

So I present you with this edition "Days of our Journal"...BTW my sister and I both own video cameras....though it never dawned on us... ; ) Sb


  1. You are really rockin this video thing. Great job, and I love the music choice, lol.

    What fun you girls had!

  2. WHEeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  3. p.s. how do you do that
    stills animation??? love it.

  4. YAY! I love it, I'll bet the girls had a blast wrecking your journals.

  5. This is awesome.... Who would of thunk for us to use a video camera... So much better with the individual images!

    Love ya!

    your sis...xo

  6. OH, I love the video! You had so much fun with that. Great job.

  7. great video! i just noticed you live in Tamarac! my husband's grandfather lives there :)

  8. AWESOME video and the music is just SURPERB! ;)

  9. Awesome! I do have to say though, my first thought was - Eeek, those kids aren't wearing any shoes! What if they Wipeout! lol It was the song choice, I'm sure of it LOL

    I really enjoyed watching this and liked the end results - all toes were intact it looked like and the books were gleefully wrecked!

  10. Fantastic action-packed video! Too Fast Too Furious - The Journal! hahaha

  11. That was FUN! Nice that you got your family in on it. :)

  12. road warriors!! great lil WRECKERS

  13. Fantastic! Those journals really had some great adventures this week! I loved the momentary worried look on the girls' faces. It's that moment we walk through to all the fun on the other side!

  14. That music makes me want to put on my old beach boys albums! I am just loving what all you chicas are coming up with on video. Terrific!


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