
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sparkles Day One - Say Cheese!

Here I am ... at the day J.O.B.


This is me on "Day One" of the Sparkles E-Course by Jamie Ridler Studios. This is a 31 day program in which it only takes 5 minutes a day to sparkle. I'm living at work these days and not really feeling to SPARKLY or Creative by the end of the day. So I'm giving this a go to see if I can get out of this work only rut. I might add, there is a glimmer, in the process of stripping film to prepare a job for printing...I CREATIVELY COMPLETED today's assignment. Sb : )

What is Sparkles…

Sparkles is a creative e-course. For 31 days, you’ll go on an adventure designed to awaken your creative spirit and fill you and your days with sparkle. Each day, you’ll receive a quick-to-read, quick-to-do inspiring creative exercise in your inbox. Lessons come from an amazing array ofcreative guides from a wide range of disciplines (e.g. photography, writing, painting, sound, dance – even food!) They’ll show you how to get creative, even when you feel like you have no time at all! Click HERE to find out more & register!


  1. I am trying to get my Sparkle back as well! Looking forward to looking around your site and learning more about the work you do.

  2. I enjoy sparkling with you


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