
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Twelve Tags of Christmas with Viva Las Vegastamps! - Day #12

It's Day #12...the end is here!!!
Twelve Tags of Christmas with
Viva Las Vegastamps! Design Team!!!

Thanks for stopping by! To get back to the top of the hop,

Thanks so much for joining us today and the previous eleven days, too! We hope you enjoyed our creations as much as we enjoyed creating them. Want more creative ideas? Checkout the Viva Las Vegastamps! blog for fantastic projects each Monday, Wednesday and Friday {and an occasional Saturday}. Make sure you sign up to follow the page so you do not miss out on the fun.

There is BLOG CANDY!!! AND there is still time...YOU can still WIN these stamps, too! All you have to do is go back to day one and leave a comment on each the bloghop posts {this is for all 12 days times 6 players}. Winner will be drawn randomly after completion of event. HURRY - today is the last day of the bloghop! I know you just have to have these after all of the fantastic creations we have shared.

VLVS Plate 1363 of stamps is 8 1/2" x 6" and has TWELVE stamps {retail value $21.95}.

Pssst... There is also a double chance for you to win...if you win this plate from the bloghop, you can also create something to submit to the VLVS monthly theme challenge {which happens to be Christmas} for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate to the Viva Las Vegastamps! online store - YIPPEE!!!

Here is my creation for today...
AND this isn't even the last of my ideas!!!
Can you believe it - I still have a few up my sleeve.

 This tag uses Viva Las Vegastamps! "Have a great Christmas" and Shopping Cart Santa from plate 1363 and also "Let's Celebrate Christmas" #11126. As soon as I joined this bloghop, I knew I was going to pair these stamps up.

Today I was inspired by T!m Holtz day 11 tag on his 12 tags extravaganza. I always wanted to play along...and today I did - finally! Following along his tag, I made a background using 4 colors of blue and a blending tool on glossy paper. Then I gently splatted a little water on it which gave a neat bleach spot look, like big chunky snow. You have to heat set this so that nothing smears off. I also went back and added a little weathered wood and walnut ink softly blended to give a ground for my shopping spree Santa. Also on glossy paper, I stamped my three images with black ink. I cut out image and quotes and colored similar to Tim's sample using the blending tool and various inks.

I have to admit, there is a method to this tool and this was my very first time breaking it out of it's package {I have had it for quite some time now}. I will have to practice with the blending tool a little more to get the hang of it. Lucky for me, the glossy paper is pretty forgiving since the distress inks stay fluid on it long enough to fix an area that may be to dark or not as softly blended. I meant to keep the center of the image white like T!m's, but I blended colors in too far. It would be nice to have some different size blending tools. I went back and added back in the white areas and added some gelly hologram pen on the shopping cart and he came to life. I popped up everything with 3-D dots and finished off with a pretty plaid ribbon and a reclaimed holly with berry cluster. I have to admit, I am pretty impressed with this tag - reminds me of the old K-mart blue light special ads.

The 12 tags bloghop contributors from
Viva Las Vegastamps! Design Team are:

This isn't the end - I am always creating with my crafty friends at Viva Las Vegastamps!!! Want to keep up with what I'm doing...sign up to receive my posts in your inbox with the widget at the top right of my blogpage. This will send you an email when I have a post {a little secret...I am on three - yes three - design teams.}. There are plenty of exciting things to come. ALSO...are you still reading???? I will have a special BAKER'S DOZEN post on December 13th in the spirit of cookie baking & I'm throwing in an extra tag for good measure! See you tomorrow : )


  1. What a great tag for the end of the hop!

    Hugs XX

  2. You mean you actually admitted to having a virgin bending tool? Glad you broke it put of its packaging. Great job on the hop!

  3. I'm with you, Santa! Wonderful tag! Great job on the background. The color really sets off the foreground image. Thanks so much for sharing your creativity!

  4. and number 12....Very Nice....Thanks for all of your Sharing with us.

  5. What a way to end your last day on the hop. :0) This tag is one of my fav's of the whole hop! I laughed when I saw it and my hubby came in and I showed it to him and all he laughed and said "you should get that saying...that's how we celebrate"! Thanks for a laugh and all the inspiration. Can't wait to see what the next hop will be.
    Happy Holidays!

  6. So glad to know I'm not the only one who had an unopened blending tool stashed away (I broke mine out a month or so ago!). Another great tag. All your tags have been great and I can't wait to see what else you create!

  7. a great tag to finsih with, thanks for all the great ideas these last 12 days!

  8. Great tag! That shopping Santa always makes me smile

  9. Another great tag--you sound like a busy little elf this Christmas, Susan!


  10. Fabulous tag to end the hop. Nice job.

  11. Very nice, though I need NO encouragement to shop, shop, shop!

  12. Wonderful! Just love it! (saucermcfly)


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