
Friday, May 11, 2012

My Own Butterfly Garden - a Springtime Greencrafting Project

Happy Friday!!! The weekend is finally here so I can get back to playing in my studio and my addiction - altered arts. I just wanted to share with you something special that I made for Altered Pages. Summer has arrived unseasonably early here in South Florida {in February}, and spring missed us completely. I so love the butterflies attracted to all the flora and fauna here. And because of the heat so early, spring came and gone in the blink of an eye.

It is so easy to become inspired with the Collage Sheets from Altered Pages. This upcycled project began with a recycled liquor bottle dome packaging that I have been hoarding and hiding from my husband {because he handles all recycling on tuesdays}. Funny thing, about a half an hour after I retrieved it from my secret hiding place, he asked if he could recycle it for me! I have altered this container into my own indoor butterfly aviary using Altered Pages Collage Sheets and embellishments. With this project the Victorian Butterfly image sheet AP-1066 come to life in a 3-dimesional decorative piece.

Here is the lovely result. And great little greencrafting project is now available as a kit at the website that you get beautiful instructions and all the goodies needed to make your own. I am so excited!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you are inspired to go and create something. Please visit the Altered Pages website for my PROJECT KIT, Collage Sheets, Rubber Stamps, Blank items ready to alter, other designers kits, tutorials and more! Have a crafty weekend! Sb


  1. Susan, thank you so much for sharing your link today! I really appreciate this post. I think I am in butterfly heaven! This is a great project.

  2. Wow, creative! What a great way to re-purpose a bottle!


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