
Friday, June 8, 2012

All Tied up with a Bow Holiday Card for Festive Friday Number 11

Welcome to the June...can you believe it's June!!! This is the eleventh installment of Terri Sproul's 2012 Festive Friday Bloghop! Are you working on your holiday cards yet??? You should have arrived here from Maria's Page. To get back to the beginning of the bloghop CLICK HERE.

I created another Christmas card using remnants and scraps from other projects including a leftover sentiment typed on the computer that I've fashioned into a banner. Super simple and tied it all up with a pretty bow. Pretty simple!

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Thanks for visiting!!!
The next stop on the Festive Friday Bloghop
is Angela at Midnight Crafting - CLICK HERE.

Have a fantastic Friday!!! Tomorrow is Sketch-It Saturday...hooray!
: ) Sb


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments...