
Thursday, August 16, 2012

It's Been a Creative Week...Here's a Recap!

Saturday is the Big Day!!!

Saturday is my very first bloghop in celebration of my five year blogiversary. Please join myself and these awesome artists: DeeDee Catron of "Um Wow Studio", Roni Johnson from "Ink Stains", Martha DeGroat Richardson of "The Mermaid's Closet", Barbara Rankin of "Black Hole Art Studio", Leslie-Rayhe Strickland from "leslierahye.", and Becky Voth of "Teeny Scraps of Us" as we play with wooden spoons.

I would like to invite you to play along, too. 

Please upcycle a wooden spoon of your own and alter it as you like. You can add your creations to my page via inlinkz on the day of the bloghop and one lucky player will win some blog candy! So get our your paints, fibers and ephemera - I can't wait to see what you create...anything goes! If you need a spoon they have fabulous four packs of wooden spoons at the Dollar Tree for $1. 

Now for the recap of the weeks creations...I've done a little bit of this and that.

Last Wednesday - remember my my Frozen Charlotte Fairy? Are you curious as to how I made her??? She was the feature of my Fairy Shadow Box for Leslie Rahye's Fairland Bloghop. Please CLICK HERE to see the how-to at the Amazing Mold Putty Blog.

Last Thursday I have my weekly Unscripted Sketches project for Sketch-It Saturday debut of Sketch #171. I really worked out of my comfort zone with this card - and I love it!

Sunday, I got to work in my art journal and I created another page using this fun unicyle woman from a digital collage sheet I bought at I created this marquis background by cutting up a painted vintage book page in diamond shapes and adhering them over another patterned paper background. I really love this quote, too! I have been waiting to use this for some time and this is the perfect home for it! CLICK HERE to see project.

Also on Sunday I had a featured post over at Viva Las Vegastamps! and I shared this stamped mosaic Daisy beauty. To view project CLICK HERE.

Finally...Yesterday, I've been doing some GREENCRAFTING! I love artfully upcylcing everyday items that would be destined for the bin. I've made a CHIC artistic bangle out of a recycled cardboard tape spool and a "Good Fortune" from a fortune cookie.

This is my bangle painted with a base layer of garnet shimmery mica goodness - it's pretty like this...but I added more! Please CLICK HERE to hop on over and see the complete how-to over at the Sakura Hobby Craft Blog.

Thanks for dropping by today - I hope you have a wonderful day. I'm off to work on my spoons...See you on Saturday! Sb  : )


  1. Thanks for the recap! Now I can catch up on what I missed. You have the most creative ideas!

  2. The bangle cuff is brilliant. Might have to give this a go and try it.

  3. Love seeing what you are up to. I love that bangle by the way!!!

  4. These are great ideas Susan! Thanks so much for sharing!!!


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