
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Save the Date...or Seven Perhaps!

The Viva Las VegaStamps! Design Team is putting on a party the last week of September and EVERYONE is invited!!! 

It's a serious party, too!!! We've got a full week of HALLOWEEN inspiration, blogs, prizes, contests and, OF COURSE...I'll be a stop on the SPOOKY HOP! 

For one week, each day, you'll hop through the blogs and feast yours eyes on some stamped candy. You're also invited to share your own VLVS! Halloween projects. Grab your favorite stamps and get inky. Don't have Halloween stamps from Viva Las VegaStamps! yet? Better get 'em quick! Because we're having PRIZES, too! Seven days = Seven prizes. Each day will feature a different way to be entered to win a prize, and easy enough a couple of them will be comments, but rest assured some will be project based!

Mark your calendars to check in each day Sept. 23rd through Sept. 29th to get your daily dose of BOO! See you then : ) Sb

P.S. JUST ANNOUNCED!!! Viva Las Vegastamps! has a Design Team Call!!! This is your chance to try out...deadline is September 15! C'mon...I know you want to AND I know you can - it's open to everyone. CLICK HERE for INFO.


  1. wow...really cool post.. . thanks a lot for informing us...keep it up...

    wellhead compression

  2. Sounds like fun...need to check out these stamps!


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