
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

WOYWW... How to Pack an ARTful Lunch!

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What is this mess on my workdesk today???
Today is WOYWW 220 {What's on Your Workplace Wednesday}
hosted by Julia Dunnit at Stamping Ground.

This mess is the result of my newest obsession... I'm fianlly GELLIN'. The other day, I made my two of my own No-Gelatin Rubber Plates using the NEW Amazing Mold Rubber {a 2-part silicone mold making kit} and outside of the DAY J.O.B. - this is consuming my waking moments. Yesterday I had a BRAINSTORM... to pack the little ATC size plate in a travel kit so I can play on my lunch time, or whenever I can sneak a few minutes here and there. So this mess is all the creative goodies I plan to pack into my ARTful Lunchbox.

I made a video to explain my exciting idea...

To see how I made these AMAZING DIY No-Gelatin Printing Plates for monoprinting using the new Amazing Mold Rubber please CLICK HERE.

I can't wait to sneek a little play time during my hectic day at the print shop. I wanted to cram so many creative toys in my lunchbox I shared, I had to upgrade it to a larger one I had my jewelry pliers and wires in - LOL!


ATC No. 1


Hope you are having a creative day :)  Sb


  1. Happy WOYWW! can't wait to see the ATC you create tonight! love your travel kit idea, thank you for sharing!
    -Tera #124

  2. Great idea, Susan! Have Art will Travel! Creative Blessings ~Kelly #131

  3. Awesome! I have seen lots of projects made using a gelli plate, but I haven't gotten one yet. I'm going to have to break down. April #106

  4. wow get you a gelli plate for using with ATC's amazing I am coming back to see your video
    Enjoy WOYWW and have a really great week
    Hugs Ria #85

  5. Such a cool idea! Being able to craft a little, whenever, wherever, that is too cool. And I love that ATC!

  6. I still haven't got round to the gellin, but am looking forward. that said gal, you've got it bad! Love the packing your case for lunch idea!

  7. What a brill idea! Think of all the calories you'll save! You might even encourage others to start creating ...... well done you!
    Bishopsmate #72


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