
Thursday, March 19, 2015

A Diary of BLING... Connie Crystal Challenge with Designer Crafts Connection

Welcome to another special Designer Crafts Connection Challenge. Today we have been challenged to make something handmade utilizing beads and crystal sheets from Connie Crystal. My project is featuring the Connie Crystal Crystal Sheets and I have used these to transform an ordinary canvas journal into a girly diary full of sparkle!

In today's project I have used both the black and white Crystal Sheets provided from Connie Crystal. Other supplies used: Blank canvas hardcover journal book; Colorbox "My Type" punched metal alphabet; double-sided adhesive sheets; paper trimmer; scissors; recycled silver twistie ties; and a variety of ribbon from my stash.

Aren't these Crystal Sheets so gorgeous??! The sheets containing 6mm crystal rhinestones in white mount or black can be cut to any size and are ready to use for any kind of jewelry or crafting project.

This project is pretty straightforward - the hardest part a little math and measuring to figure out how many squares of the Crystal Sheets I would need to complete a checkerboard pattern on the cover. I cut some scrap strips of paper to the size of a 4 x 4 grid of crystals and laid them out on my book cover {this really helped in planning placement of lettering in the final assembly, too}.

The crystal sheets are mounted to a coordinating mesh which can be easily cut with scissors. The sections I received were cut to 1 1/2" x 13" pieces, though on the Connie Crystal website it says the Crystal Sheets come 36" x 4 3/8". 

After cutting all the squares of bling, I cut a section of CLEAR double-sided permanent adhesive sheets and burnished to the front cover. After exposing the adhesive, I placed the crystal squares in a checkerboard pattern - alternating black and white. I had a photo of how I planned placement of lettering {luckily the spacing of the letters just happened to work out as same height and even number of squares}. Behind the letters, I placed some bright silver twistie-ties that are still attached that are leftover from a package of clear cellophane treat bags... bling is bling, right!

There was a sliver of blank cover exposed on the spine edge and along the bottom when I was done placing all the pieces, so I edged with a thing silver metallic ribbon. I adhered a black ribbon tie to the inside front and back cover so this diary could be tied closed.

When I was a teenager, my diary was a plain little blue book with a flimsy lock. This journal REDUX is go girly and gorgeous... I just know my niece is going to love this!

A Book of Sparkle for a Budding Queen!

Visit the Connie Crystal website to see all of their beautiful beads, pendants, Crystal Sheets and more! For more sparkling ideas using Connie Crystal products, click here to visit the "Sparkle by Connie Crystal" inspiration blog.

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Thanks so much for visiting! For more ideas and inspiration follow the Designer Crafts Connection "Connie Crystal Challenge" by selecting hop back/forward on the logo below to enjoy all of the wonderful creations. Sb :)


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