
Thursday, November 17, 2016

All that #Cre8time Sparkles and Shines... with Rinea® Foils and Designer Crafts Connection

Hello everyone! Today the Designer Crafts Connection takes on a new challenge featuring something full of glittery goodness and is a paper... Rinea® Foils by GlobalCrafting. This paper has made my paper folding dreams take on a whole new shiny dimension!!!

One of my favorite things is to make dimensional ornaments and whimsies from folded paper. With all the gorgeous variety of papers available these days it is an obsession to use up every leftover strip and scrap. Well there is a new SPARK-ling paper that is what I have been dreaming of... Rinea® Foils!!! 

The common problem with Origami and Kusadama folding is that with more intricate shapes, the paper becomes very hard to manipulate due to it's thickness {or lack thereof}. Rinea® Foil solves this issue while providing a metallic {solid or textured} finish in a variety of colors that lends itself to folding and holds it's shape {which is important when working with complex folds}.

For this challenge, Rinea® Foils by GlobalCrafting provided each of the Designer Craft Connection designers with product to use in our creations. You want to pop over to the beginning of the hop HERE because of course, there is a chance for you via Rafflecopter to win some of this gorgeous Rinea® Foil paper!!! 

Rinea® paper-foil is a specialty craft paper imported from Germany. It is made up of a thin sheet of paper sandwiched between two layers of thin aluminum foil - the paper gives it sturdiness and stiffness while the foil gives it the shininess and the malleability to maintain the shape however you bend or fold it. It is more than just origami paper due to the specific thickness and the quality of the foil used, making it ideal for many interesting crafting ideas. The paper does not wrinkle like foil and does not cause painful cuts like thick sharp foil can. 

The paper is as popular in Germany and parts of Europe as construction paper is in the US. In Germany it is known as Alu-Bastlefolie which means Aluminum Handicraft Foil Paper. It is very difficult to find this paper in the US and those that want it have to import it from Germany. Our goal is to introduce you to unique and interesting crafting ideas popular in other parts of the world made possible only using this paper and, at the same time, make it easily available in the U.S. The paper comes in many interesting colors with shiny, matte, and embossed surfaces giving you lots of options to play with and combine.

I love Origami, Kusadama and other styles of paperfolding... and have loads of books with fabulous patterns. For my project I have modified a pattern that is called "the Ellington" from the book, The Origami Handbook by Rick Beech... which ends with three diamonds and wraps around to make a lovely napkin ring. Which with Thanksgiving coming up next week... this pattern paired with the Rinea® Foils will make each tablesetting simply stunning!

To make a full bangle, I will need three completed folded sections to fit my wrist. Easy-Peasy!!

I find it easier to cut all of my papers first, then work on one stage of fold on all pieces, then moving on to the next series of steps {just my preference}. Paper folding is very relaxing and methodical... and a lot of repeating of the same steps. In this case repeated along until the strips are completely filled with folded diamonds.

For those of you who fancied gumwrapper and teabag folding patterns, you would love using the Rinea® Foils. Look how gorgeous the pattern even is on the back side!!! This would make a wonderful border for a card or accenting a home decor project. Not to mention folded boxes, punches or die-cut shapes! The crafty-stash has a whole new universe of possibility... and this paper is kid-friendly, too!

This is the resulting top edge of one section. The instructions were to stop at three diamonds, though I continued to the edge of the strips, giving me five - with a small bit of overlap.

One 3/16" glue dot is all it needs to hold together. Perfectly paired with Rinea® Foil - I used three glue dots in total. These amazing dots make papercrafting quick and hands-free!

After having three sections completed, I fold back one end to accept the other end to naturally continue the folded pattern in one long strip. 

With one glue dot, I tuck one end over the other as the folded pattern naturally repeats uniting three folded sections into a completed bangle.

I have some pink resin bangles with matching necklace that my new folded bangle will fit right in to the ensemble. Even though this is held together with just three {3} glue dots... my mind is racing with ideas that I had put on hold because papers were limiting or challenging for the folding patterns I want to create. 

The star embossed pattern into the Rinea® foil is so lovely. The resulting diamonds when complete are approximately 1" in size. This unique foil paper gives you a FINISHED product that is STUNNING. My bangle is ready-to-wear as is!!! But I will go back with a craft glue and a toothpick to secure all the loose edges underneath so that is a bit more durable when wearing. I may even go back later line the inside with a strip of satin ribbon.

A perfect matching
Cre8time Bangle!

This is only the beginning! I love wearing a variety sizes and textured bangles... and my new pink Rinea® foil creation makes a statement! Oh the possibilities and I look forward to trying my patience at trying some of my favorite folds working smaller to create earrings and other fun paper jewels.

CLICK HERE to jump over to the beginning of the Rinea® Foils by GlobalCrafting Bloghop at the Designer Crafts Connection blog and find more SPARK-ling inspiration and projects using this gorgeous foil paper!

You can find more information
and ideas using Rinea® Foils
at their website

Find loads of folding ideas using Rinea Foil on Pinterest

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Thanks so much for visiting! I hope you are inspired to run out to the library, get some books and try out this amazing paper to fold up something beautiful! Sb :)

** This is a sponsored post. GlobalCrafting has provided products for use in this project in exchange for my creative ideas, views and opinions. My ideas and opinions are my own.


  1. Beautiful bracelet! Love the folding technique!

  2. loved how you make jewelry with this fun product.

  3. Hi Susan. Your project really highlights the jewel-like quality of the foil paper. Nice project.

  4. what a very unque ornament! love it! katie wilson (winzer castle on facebook)

  5. A project with both style and beauty!

  6. Amazing, thanks so much for creating such a beautiful project!!

  7. That bangle is absolutely stunning! I always thought about making jewelry in metallic colors but now I'm going to experiment with all of the colors! Thanks!

  8. Great project! Thanks so much for sharing your ideas for creating with Rinea paper foil :)


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