
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Welcome to the #Cre8time Tropics...StencilGirl Products + Amazing Casting Products Bloghop Day 1

Hello friends! Today I am participating in a very special bloghop where the creative teams from Amazing Casting Products and StencilGirl Products have put their spin on projects using products from both lines.

I have to admit I was a bit unsure of what to create, there possibilities with the challenge at hand are endless... so I decided to create an altered torso. 

I've had this papier-maché torso lying around for more years than I'd care to admit {over 10} and it has nice wood accents. I'm painting her up with spray paints and StencilGirl stencils and gave her some handmade resin tropical flair and WINGS!

I created several molds using Amazing Mold Putty: an Art Deco style vintage mirror, a hand-carved polymer clay palm leaf, and some interesting shaped shells.

For two of the shells, the details on the front were just as beautiful on the back. So I rubbed the cured mold with petroleum jelly {inner and outer edges}, and pressed another batch of Amazing Mold Putty onto the top of each, overlapping down around sides to create a two-part mold. **TIP** A mold-release is needed to do this as mold putty fuses to itself, so in this case petroleum jelly works perfectly.

I selected three StencilGirl Products designs: Art Deco Wallpaper Stencil L319; Tribal Leaves Stencil L213; and Mimosa 6 Stencil S126.

The first thing I did is put a border of clear packing tape around the edges of each stencil, on the front and backside, and burnishing with a bone folder. I remember hearing this trick from another artist and thought it was worth a try.

First I added some color to the wood accents on the torso. I used Carbon Gray Varathane Wood Stain - it's easy to apply and dries quick. I never heard of gray stain... I happen to love this color and the color it achieved. 

Some areas didn't take the stain too well and looked a bit spotchy {most likely due to wood glue in the composite shape} so I added a little more color with a white-wash from a paint pen, then brushing over with a grey acrylic glaze. That's more like it!!

When this is dry I use some plastic wrap to cover the wooden parts and get ready for some fun... spray painting with stencils! I used some Mod Podge Matte finish to seal the papier maché torso in preparation to accept a layering of spray paint.

I have a bright gloss green and a bright blue which I sprayed alternating in no particular pattern.

After I had a nice base layer, I continued adding color spraying through the stencils. The shapes are organic and look like shadows peeking through palm branches at night.

I brush the inside of each mold with Ocean Blue Alumidust and also mix some into a batch of Amazing Casting Resin. This resin turns an opaque white when cured and the Alumidust will give it a pale blue hue.

I always make sure to have extra molds on hand to pour any leftover resin so it doesn't go to waste. This is all of the molds poured with resin cured. I needed two of the mirrors so all the small bits are extras for the rainy-day project bin.

Look at the AMAZING detail in the front and back of each shell cast in resin. The overpour {flashing} tears away pretty easy while resin is still soft and any remaining can easily be trimmed away. I sanded edges with an emory board.

I gave a little shine and brightness to the resin pieces by brushing the high points with Tonic Nuvo Embellishment Mousse. This color is a nice pearly pale blue... perfect for beachy themed projects!

I finished off by adding a section of recycled jewels around the neck to dangle the resin palm leaf and a faceted gem. I crossed the mirror shapes and wrapped with wire to form wings and secured with wrapping wire around the torso. I brushed a little of the spray paint onto the wire to blend it in to the background pattern. I'm so happy with how this looks that I left off the other two shell pieces I prepared... in this case less is MORE! I hope you love my tropical winged torso as much as I do. She will be a beautiful addition to my creative workspace.

To see more AMAZING projects for the StencilGirl/Amazing Casting Products Blog Hop follow along at the links below!

Today's stops on the hop are as follows...

One lucky winner will receive both a $25 Gift Certificate to StencilGirl Products - AND - a $25 Gift Certificate to Amazing Casting Products!

Visit the fabulous designers from both teams and comment for your chance to win!

The more blogs you comment on, the more chances you have to WIN!
(One comment per blog please.)

You have until Sunday, April 23rd at 11:59PM Central Time to leave your comments.

Winner will be announced on StencilGirl's Facebook page and Amazing Casting Products’s Facebook page on Monday, April 24th.


Thanks for dropping by and I'd love to hear what you are creating with stencils! xo Sb

** This is a sponsored post. StencilGirl Products and Amazing Casting Products® have provided products for use in this project in exchange for my creative ideas, views and opinions. My ideas and opinions are my own.


  1. I loved all things winged. Gorgeous work!

  2. Very nice project. I think I would have made a mold of the front of the torso for another project.

    1. Oh Jan... great minds think alike! I did consider this, though this size torso are pretty readily available. I do have a tiny one I found in a vintage thrift shop that's about 4" tall that I plan to mold :)

  3. Fantastic transformation of
    a piece of paper mache.
    I have a wire form that I
    bought several months ago
    and didn't know how to
    decorate - I'm going to
    try adding some things
    like you did. Love getting
    help with ideas for projects
    I'm thinking about.
    thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks so much Mary! I'm glad you are inspired to try something new on your wireform. I'd love to see it when you are done :)

  4. Love the use of the stencils on the dress form - lovely!!!

    1. Thanks Allison! It was fun and easy to do... could have used an extra hand here and there to hold the stencil bent just so :)

  5. Loved that you used your molded items as embellishments for something long "aged" in your stash!

    1. Thanks Becky! I try to use my stash or something I've save to artfully repurpose in most projects. When I happened upon the torso it sang out "PICK ME" :)

  6. I'm a mannequin nut and have upcycled 2 smaller paper mache ones & 1 large one - I can't wait to get this stuff!

  7. Beautiful sculpture!
    Love your colors and layers!

  8. This turned out beautiful! Love the mold of the art deco mirror, and thanks for the tip about making 2 part molds! I've shied away from that a bit, but this seems like a pretty easy way to do it.

  9. beautiful, reminds me of a fairy!!!

  10. She is beautiful Susan! I love the tone on tone effect and the gorgeous molding!

  11. Totally tropical!...loved all the creative finishing touches!

  12. Great art piece. This new product is so cool!!

  13. Great project Susan! I JUST LOVE Wings!

  14. Always looking for something new to try. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  15. Cool project. Love your outside the box creativity.

  16. How neat is this! Love how you used those handled mirrors for wings! very clever piece!
    Jackie ")

  17. Love the winged torso. I would never have thought of using the combination of products in the way you executed this project. I call that thinking outside the box. Refreshing!


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments...