
Monday, September 25, 2017

Just ToO SpOokY Cute... DIY Cookie Cutter Ornaments

Happy Fall everyone... though it still feels like SUMMER around here. Halloween is just around the corner and it's time to get decorating and making for the big day. What do you do with all of your leftover goodies from last year that didn't see the light of day??! You alter them into something fun! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays for making goodies and these SpOokY cute ornaments are so adorable wrapped up in colorful seasonal ribbons.

I'm transforming this fun dollar bin find into some super SpOoky Cute cookie cutter ornaments. Gather around the kids because this project is super easy and fun for all ages!

For this project you only need a couple things: scissors; ribbons/trim in seasonal colors; an adhesive runner; a black permanent marker; and some holiday spirit!

For this project I have used my favorite 
Herma Dotto adhesive. The Herma Dotto is a dry adhesive that it great for tacking down ribbon on cards, scrapbook pages and flat surfaces. I have loads of adhesives and runners of all kinds and I love how the dotto works with ribbon. You can use whatever adhesive you prefer for this project.

begin with the pumpkin and I choose a beautiful variegated orange ribbon. I add a stripe of Herma Dotto adhesive to the end to tack in place, then begin winding the ribbon around the cookie cutter. I continued wrapping, slightly overlapping the previous wrap and continue all the way around. When I reached the beginning, I add another stripe of Dotto adhesive to secure the end. Easy Peasy!

Next I selected an orange, gold and green check pattern, then wrapped around outer edge of pumpkin shape to measure and cut to sizeI applied adhesive along the entire length and press into place. I left about 2" overhang and looped this back over onto itself to form a leaf shape.

The finishing touch is to add a hanger and some contrast to the stem with a sheer irridescent ribbon. For the hanger, I cut a piece that was about 10" and tied to the top of the stem, knotting in place with the two loose ends meeting at the top. I laid the two ends over each other and tied in a knot to form a closed loop to hang. Then I cut another small section, added some adhesive to the end and wrapped around the entire stem area. Then I back trimmed and tacked down the loose end to complete.

This ornament is complete and totally full Pumpkin Spice... now to embellish the bat cookie cutter.

I have chose a silver/grey ribbon that is two-tone like brushed metal - lighter on one side and slightly darker on the other. I applied Dotto adhesive down the length of this ribbon and applied to the outer edge of the cookie cutter.

I repeated by centering a contrasting patterned ribbon right on top of the grey ribbon - a quick and easy transformation!

This ornament also needs a hanger but I don't have anything black... no worries I'll color one. I grabbed my spool of natural burlap string and a black Sharpie marker and quickly color a section black to match. Don't be afraid to use your crafty stash of inks, markers and paints to color white or natural colored ribbons/fibers to match.

These two ornaments are so lovely - they can be used for seasonal decor, gift toppers or even for the kids to make at the Halloween party.

How would you decorate your seasonal cookie cutters?

Thanks for visiting. Stay tuned for what becomes of the cat and the frankenstein head... perhaps some GOOGLIE eyes, resin or Steampunkery!  Sb :)

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