Operation Write Home began in 2007 with just a few cards made by friends on a message board; what began as an outlet for a hobby has become a much larger mission to help heroes keep in touch with home - and the effort has been joined by thousands of cardmakers!
OWH receives handmade cards donated by crafters across America (and beyond!). Cardmakers range in age, location, and level of skill; cards are provided by individuals and groups, schools and scouts, companies and churches. All have one primary thing in common: a desire to serve those who defend our nation!
Cards are mailed to one of our volunteer shippers in quanities both small and large. The shippers process, sort, repair, and document each donation, and then pack and ship boxes of over 300 cards each to our contacts. Our heroes request cards (families may also request on their behalf; we serve all branches in all deployed locations. Click Here for info on how you can participate.My youngest sister is in the National Guard [for 2 years now] and was officially deployed on Jan. 5, 2010 from Ft. Lauderdale to report to Fort Hood for preparations to Iraq. I spent the day with her on New Year's Day in Orlando - BUT - The really great thing is that I got to see her one last time. Because at the last minute, the night before, her group [not sure of lingo here] from Cocoa Beach was ordered to ship out with the South Florida deployees. YAY!!! There was a wonderful ceremony at Ft. Lauderdale Airport attended by many military brass and Florida's Governor, Charlie Crist. It was really nice and I was so grateful to have the opportunity to attend. It was just a couple hours on a Tuesday, but some priceless moments I won't soon forget with my baby sister. We shared her box lunch that was passed out to all the troops, which was pretty good: a Coke, bag of chips, an apple, and a ham & cheese sub. Since I live three hours away from my family, it was a pretty special "brunch". One of her comrades snapped this photo of us as we said goodbye & the troops lined up to start loading the planes. What a beautiful day it was.
I am so proud and grateful to all the men and women serving our country, and to their families, too - my thoughts and prayers are with you. Happy Memorial Day everyone! Thanks so much for taking the time to visit, please take the following link to the next blog on the hop:
Pretty Pressings by Claudia... pretty does not begin to describe her work! More like stunning!
DID SOMEBODY SAY BLOG CANDY!!! Please leave a comment to be entered to win some blog candy, consisting of some stamps, blank cards w/ envys and other crafty goodies to make your own cards for Operation Write Home. I am still completing my challenge from last year's hop to make one card for each comment left on each of my three blogs participating [over 300]. I am making cards and collecting cards from friends to send in that will be directed to my sister's deployed location - so cool. To take you back to the "Top of the Hop" click here.
Thanks again : ) Sb