Today I am throwing my hat in the ring to reapply to the Viva Las Vegastamps! Design Team! So I'm sharing some of my favorite stamped projects that I think best represent me and my style.

I never really considered myself a "Stamper" - but I think my muse is quite happy with her inky stained hands. Since this will be my third go round applying to artistically represent Viva Las VegaStamps!... I think this photo says it all! Yep! I guess I am a stamper.

This is me holding my dandelion stamp {immortalized via iPhone by the amazing Ms. DeeDee } at Viva Las VegaStamps!!!! I went there with my loving husband on a weekend getaway back on April 4th, and he was conveniently sick - so I got to spend two afternoons at the store. If I had a sonic screwdriver, I think I would have miniaturized myself and made a fort from the mounted stamps. You could be in the store for a month and not see everything. Funniest thing... this stamp remains PRISTINE and un-inked... and I have another on plate 918, too {that is uncut and uninked}!
I am stranded in South Florida waiting for my Man in a Blue Box to take me back home to my "Sweet Home Chicago..." but I'll settle for a Virgin America plane ticket!

Rubber stamps are the CHAMELEON of my mixed media toolbox. In this "Self Portrait - Caution: Artist at Work" tag, stamped images are the accents to my photo image transfer. Stamps provide texture, pattern and even words...or even that touch of whimsy.

I love the versatility of stamps. You can take a blank piece of paper and create something from nothing. This art journal page has 4 stamps, and with mists, markers and ink... Jaws totally leaps off the page.

I have quite the stash of rubber from VLVS! and I love combining stamps together into interesting scenes... for any kind on all kinds of projects - from tags and A.T.C.'s to cards and altered projects. Many times the image itself strikes the idea and sends me off and running... for all the tools in the craft room ESPECIALLY a fistful of stamps and some ink! It was really hard to only share JUST three - but I couldn't decide. Each creation is special and unique in their own way and I love them ALL!
BEST PART... You can apply, too!
FYI!!! May 30th is the DEADLINE to apply to the Viva Las VegaStamps! Design Team Call!! They're looking for all types of artists and welcome anyone who has a passion for rubber stamping to apply! Bring on the Mixed Media Artists, the Card Makers, the Scrapbookers, the Altered Artists, the Scene Stampers… this MEAN YOU!! International welcome to apply, too! CLICK HERE for DETAILS. Step out of your comfort zone - it doesn't hurt to try...Just DO it!
Have a great evening... when I get out of work - I'm heading home to get inky!!! Sb :)