Hello friends! Today I am part of a special bloghop with the Designer Crafts Connection as we explore all the fun ways to decorate with ribbons and BOWs. Today's challenge is taking us over the pond with DecoFun™ Bow Maker - the original British bowmaker. Learn in minutes... fun for a lifetime!
I don't know about you, but I use bows on just about anything and everything... cards, gift boxes or baskets, wreaths - you name it! Bows are the finishing touch and how wonderful is it to have a tool to make bows quick and easy out of any color or size ribbon to match ANY occasion. I love making my paper ornaments, so today I'm going to share how I complete one of my handmade creations and get a jumpstart on my handmade holiday giftwrapping too!
No more fussing about trying to tie a perfect bow... the DecoFun™ Bow Maker makes bowmaking so easy... and FUN! This easy bow making tool is better than a bow-making machine and I figured out that I can also use it to make tassels, too. I was provided with the DecoFun™ Bow Maker Basic Kit and an assortment of six lovely ribbons to make bows with.
I started by finishing a folded paper ornament that I started a while back. I followed a pattern from "The Origami Handbook" by Rick Beech. When I made the smaller version I knew exactly what I wanted to do with this style. I want to make an oversize version where I can dangle a vintage ornament inside. This is made from 12 folded segments a metallic green cardstock and NO-GLUE.
With the base shape complete and ornament installed from center with a thin piece of wire fed down from top... I'm ready to start embellishing!
With the base shape complete and ornament installed from center with a thin piece of wire fed down from top... I'm ready to start embellishing!
I start winding the 1 1/2" red/white stripe wired ribbon around the DecoFun™ Bow Maker. Visit the DecoFun™ Bow Maker YouTube Channel for ideas.
Wrap ribbon through the prongs following the simple directions in sort of a figure 8 fashion until I use all of the ribbon on spool. Just three steps and you are done!
I use a provided silver twist tie wire to wrap around center and secure. There is even a little recessed area in the center where you can slide it right underneath the ribbon. Remove ribbon bundle from tool.
I set this aside to make another layer with other colors.
I layered two ribbons into the DecoFun™ Bow Maker -- a 5/8" sparkle green satin layered upon a 1 1/2" red wired satin ribbon. Then I gently opened up the prior ribbon bundle and layered it at the back and twisted them altogether. I trimmed the loose ends and pulled all the sections apart to form a puffy bow. I will fluff it more when I place it atop of my ornament.

Now to make the tassel! I remove the supports and move out the prongs to the match the desired length of my tassel. I just eyeball how long I think the tassel should be in relation to the size/scale of my ornament.
I wrapped the thread around and around the prongs, using the entire skein. Before removing, I fed a reserved strand to tie off a hanger at the top of the tassel and added a few coordinating beads from my stash.
To complete the tassel, I took another reserved thread to tie off the "puff" on the top of my tassel. I wrap the thread around both sides of the wrapped thread about 1/2" from the side I tied the beaded hanger. I tied a tight knot, then wrapped thread around several times, then tied knot. I gently slid the thread off the prongs and trimmed the bottom. After straightening all threads and giving a little trim my tassel is complete!
I fed the thread of the tassel up through a tiny hole made in the bottom point of the ornament, secured within the folds with a small piece of tape.
The finishing touch is to tie the bow on top with the wire I attached to suspend the vintage ornament, then give a final fluffing. WOW!!! Because of the large size of this ornament and I don't want to disturb my beautiful bow, I'm using clear fishing line suspended through the middle of the ornament so that it hangs level.
A diamond full of holiday cheer!
What a statement piece this is!! I have a corner in my living room where I can hang a cluster of these, I'll just need to install a few ceiling hooks when the holidays arrive. Even paired with another lantern from a sheet of folded 12x12 patterned cardstock looks so lovely... and the puffy bow on top makes complete.
CLICK HERE to pop on over to Designer Crafts Connection for more ideas and inspiration using the DecoFun™ Bow Maker... fun for any and all occasions!
** This is a sponsored post. The Ribbon Place has provided the DecoFun Bow Maker and ribbons for use in this project in exchange for my creative ideas, views and opinions. My ideas and opinions are my own.