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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Celebrating Twenty Years of Wedded Bliss!

Twenty Years ago today on Nov. 7, 1992...

I travelled to Jamaica and I got married to my best friend!

No - we didn't alope. We just wanted to have a small ceremony, and a week later when we returned, the whole family celebrated with a big party/reception. Not your traditional wedding, but it worked for me... and we didn't have to spend years saving for it or paying it off. Over the years we've been to at least as many weddings than we've been together, if not more, and sadly, most are no longer together. I consider us LUCKY that we found each other and we were both smart enough to HOLD ON TIGHT!

Where has the time just seems like yesterday.

And can you believe it??? We're still together and loving every minute of it!

Just wanted to share and shout out to the world that I am still totally head over heels for my prince charming... Mr. Brown! I'm so lucky and grateful that I found him so early in my adult life - and that we've been able spend our lives growing up together. This weekend we'll be attending a wedding - but we'll be celebrating and toasting the bubbly for 20 more years! :) Sb


  1. Hi Susan,
    You are right when you find the right one hold on tight and marrying in Jamaica wow that would have been super special to those that matter the most - Mr and Mrs Brown.
    Enjoy your speial day and I hope you look forward to many more.

  2. Congratulations! And how sweet! Here's to 20 PLUS more years!

  3. Congrats to you and Mr. Brown!:) I hope you stay as happy as me and mine.

  4. Congratulations on your wedded milestone.

  5. Happy Anniversary and wishing you many more wonderful years together!


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