Hello friends! April 2: Its a special occurrance that lasts for only 36 to 48 hours... the RARE SOUTH FLORIDA SNOW DAY! This is when the folks who live in SoFL get a brief respit from the sweltering heat and can break out wintery wear {a.k.a. sweater weather attire for everyone else north of the FL/GA line}. Any talk from weather forecasters this late in the winter/spring season teasing us with a COLD FRONT is mostly ignored. Most of the cold stuff doesn't usually make it this far south - we only see a brief couple days where the humidity doesn't punch you in the face when you walk outside to get the morning paper.
Today is a day when I miss my Chili-red MINI convertible most. It's only going to make it to the mid 70s today and I'm running about the house getting ready for work chanting, "BOOTS... BOOTS... BOOTS!!!" This may be my last chance to wear them until I go back to Chicago. I've got my brown knee-high flats paired with my cute blue shirt dress and some multicolored leggins. Artsy and comfortable! I walked outdoors and was greeted by the birds singing to this glorious blue sky.
Later on a work, there were these puffy clouds scattered about. I can't resist snapping pix of clouds with my phone. Wish I would have captured the stunning sky ablaze with rust and orange at sunset with the silhouette of the everglades brush beneath a yellow glowing sphere. I was driving. It was a beautiful sunset worth noting.
Have a great rest of your Friday... thanks for stopping by!
<3 Sb
I pledged to blog every day this month {along with a few hundred other bloggers} with Effy Wild and her “Artfully Wild Blog Along“. If you’d like to join in... both bloggers and readers are invited to join in the fun! The only requirement is that you agree to comment on three blog posts for every blog post you share in the dedicated Facebook Group.